Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prop 8 Stands, But We're Still Married...

The California State Supreme Court ruled this morning that Prop 8 (the voter approved initiative that banned gay marriage) would stand, but that the 18,000+ couples that got married before the initiative took effect would stay married. While this news is disappointing, it's at least a relief to our family, that I'm spared explaining to our almost 4 year old daughter why a court could take away our marriage.

This morning while we were getting ready for school, Lauren was listening to her Story Reader, which was reading a Disney Princess book to her. While she was listening, I asked her if she wanted to get married when she was bigger, like the princess in the story. Her response was "We already got married, I don't need to get married again". Yes, we told her we were getting married, and she was a large part of our wedding, so she considers our family "married". I'll wait till she's older before I explain the distinction to her. For now, I'm content that we're still a family and we're still "married".

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