Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The California Political Landscape

It's only September and I'm already beginning to get worried about the coming elections in November. As a gay man and a parent, I guess my family has special concerns about who is elected. We need to make sure our family remains protected and nothing harms our little girl. What I find incredible about the elections in California this fall are two Bay Area candidates, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina. Both have run Bay Area high tech companies, so you'd think they'd understand the need to be fair and equal; especially when it comes to the rights of LGBT citizens, given how many of them work and live in the Bay Area.

What's scary is both of them have such solidly anti-LGBT policies and stance. Both are against equality for marriage, which means they are against families like mine. As I've written in the past, my partner and I got married in California in the summer it was legal. Our daughter took part in our ceremony, and she still tells people we got married as a family. Anything that would make her think we can't be married would be devastating to her, and that's just what Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina want.

That's why even though both these candidates may appear to be ideal because of their Bay Area background, their attempts to look mainstream are more scary than ever, as most mainstream citizens aren't going to realize how right-wing some of their views are. So I urge you, if you're reading this to *NOT* vote for Meg Whitman or Carly Fiorina. Instead vote for Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer, both of whom support equality and would protect our family.

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